SOLD: Tech–2289: NELAC Certified Environmental, Radiochemical Laboratory in South West

SOLD: NELAC-Certified Environmental Laboratory in South West with Radiochemical Testing Capability

Well-Equipped Lab with Excellent Growth Potential 

Disclaimer: Technologypark has not independently verified any of the information in these descriptions, and makes no warranty as to their accuracies or completeness. It is also recommended that buyers conduct their own due diligence wiith their own advisors


The Laboratory is a well-established, full-service, NELAC-accredited environmental laboratory offering a variety of radiochemical analysis and analytical services for all sample matrixes including water, soil, sludge, organic liquids, oils, solid waste, hazardous waste, mixed waste, urine and fecal matter. It is a reputable lab, in business for last 19 years.


  • Radiochemistry Testing
  • Organic Testing
  • Inorganic Testing
  • Metals Chemistry
  • Bioassay Analysis
  • Consulting
  • Data Validation
  • Mobile Laboratory Services


  • Has difficult to obtain NRC licenses and knowledge and expertise of radiochemistry
  • Skilled workforce
  • Ability to handle quick turnaround Time
  • Low overhead/competitive cost  per sample
  • Solid, repeat and loyal customer base – 40% are with the Lab for over 10 years and 85% for over 5 years.


-Revenue: $1.12 m projected
– Discretionary Earnings: $316K
– Sale includes: 
significant including some hard to find equipment, $100,000+ inventory including radiochemical standards worth  over $70,000, specialized labs with lead shielding

1 Revenues, which was around $1.1 million in 2011 and 2012 took a hit in 2013 due to a major storm which delayed several projects. The projects are back on track and revenues will recover in 2014.

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analytical lab