Ready Platform for Lucrative Pharma/BioTesting/CRO Business
Turn-key with Brilliant Scientist

Lab Scientist
The Lab specializes in the characterization of pharmaceutical and biological products, raw material analysis, endotoxin testing via PCR, and pharmaceutical product/formulation development. An accomplished Ph.D. scientist with deep experience in analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical, biopharma, and vaccine areas founded it.
The lab has LCMS, PCR, and several other analytical equipment, which cost about $1.6M to purchase (the current depreciate value is about $400-$500K).
Lab had a revenue of about $575K in the past year and an average of about $350K per year for the past few years, but this year, expecting substantially less (about $200K). The owner is looking for a strategic partner to bring in business and invest additional funds when necessary to expand the business.
The seller wants to sell up to 49% of the stake for $350K to a strategic partner so that both partners can flourish in the lucrative pharma testing and CRO area. Contract Research and Testing for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics companies is a highly coveted area with high margins and sticky clients. This is an opportunity for a strategic buyer to get in inexpensively.